
The Building Memories team work together to research, develop, produce, and promote episodes, and to create appropriate designs to present them on the Building Memories website.

Project Director: Jacqueline Jones Royster
Technical Director: Steven Hodges
Interns: Maura Currie, Charles Cardot, Yonatan Weinberg, Rachel Hu, Eunseo Cho
Administrative Assistant: Joanna Gabriel

Team members below had lead roles in the production of this podcast:

Executive Producer: Jacqueline Jones Royster
Co-Producers and Editors: Charles Cardot, Rachel Hu, and Eunseo Cho
Interviewer: Charles Cardot
Script Developers: Charles Cardot and Rachel Hu
Narrator: Charles Cardot
Audio Engineers: Charles Cardot and Rachel Hu
Technical Director: Steven Hodges

Community Partners

We are grateful in the preparation of this episode to: Bethel AME Church and Constellations, Inc. for their partnership; to Carol Ann Dove for sharing her family photographs; and to Reverend Joyce Carpenter Young, Richard Marion, Gloria Pritchett, and William Petty for sharing their insights and memories.